About Us

About O.L.A Hospital

Our Lady of Apostles (O.L.A) Catholic Hospital was established on 12th March 1956 by Late Rt. Bishop Richard Finn (S.M.A.) and the O.L.A Sisters in the persons of Sister Thomas Moore and Sister Anne Barret.

The Hospital began as a child welfare and maternity home with three building: the office block, maternity home and the nurses’ hostel. The primary aim of founding this institution was to see to the medical needs of all, especially indigenes who needed good and affordable medical services.

Starting in a very small way, the facility consisted of an out-patient department, a clinic and about ten maternity beds in all. 

Today the Hospital has grown in leaps and bounds, giving secondary medical care, proudly offering the following services in well equipped facilities:

1. Obstetrics & Gynaecology

2. Family Medicine

3. General Surgery

4. ART Clinic and Counseling

5. Orthopaedics

6. Physioltherapy

7. Paediatrics

8. ENT Clinic

9. Dialysis

10. Gymnasium

11. Laboratory

12. Ultrasound scan

13. X-Ray

14. ECG

15. Naprotechnology

16. Immunization and Vaccination

Our Mission & Vision Statement

Vision: To alley the anxieties of our clients and their relations by ensuring a caring and healing environment (Mk. 14:3-9, Mk. 53 - 56).

Mission: The mission of the Catholic Health Services in Nigeria is to share in the healing ministry of Jesus Christ through provision of health services that based on a holistic approach and that affirm human dignity and respect for human life.